When it comes to changing your life for the better, it’s often the little things that can make a big difference.
Sure, infrequent events-getting married, starting a new job, buying a house-will massively impact your life. However, there are many little things you can do on a regular basis that can have ongoing, positive results.
Did you know our award-winning planners and journals are designed in collaboration with industry experts? They feature mindset, productivity and leadership content to inspire and empower you.
Seeing as we’re LH Agenda (and so passionate about planning because it has changed all our lives!), here are four of our favourite planning tips to help you change yours.
1. Top Priorities
If you’re familiar with the LH Agenda Planner layouts, the 3 ‘Top Priorities’ have been on your radar for a while – this is one of our favourite planning tips!
Intentionally choosing your three top priorities for the day (or week or month) cuts through overwhelm, especially when you’re busy.
Prioritisation and having only a doable number of tasks help you take action and feel progress and accomplishment.
Ask yourself, “What are the three most important things I could do today that would either make a big difference or move me forward significantly?” Then do them!
The Change: A sense of completion and success at the end of each day.
Recommended Tool: LH Planner or Day Organiser
Get more out of every day, at work and at play, with our range of Day Organisers that will up your game. Its unique layout will clarify your priorities, stimulate productivity and give you a daily dose of motivation.
2. Journaling
Express yourself! Keeping unresolved things inside is a recipe for discomfort and disruption of your inner peace. There may not always be a trusted friend on hand to vent to or to process your chaotic thoughts.
Writing things out in your journal helps your mind vent your troubles, calm the chaos, and, very often, your wise self has something to say.
The Change: More inner calm.
Recommended Tool: Meet Yourself Journal
3. Capture All the Info
Our lives are busy, and we’re constantly exposed to information coming at us from all directions-emails, DMs, podcasts, people, thoughts.
It’s so frustrating when you forget that important detail_ and the temple-rubbing you’re doing to try to remember it is probably not great for your skin!
Have one place where you can capture the information that is important to you. You don’t need to deal with it right away, but you can relax knowing that when you are ready, it will be right there in your notebook to process.
The Change: More peace and space in your mind to focus on other important things.
Recommended Tool: LH Planner (includes Master To Do List pages) or LH Agenda dot-lined notepads
4. ‘Fresh Start’ Fire
You know the excitement that often comes with a brand-new year? Ooh, a fresh start! When you’re stuck in a motivation rut, a new tool can help spark renewed energy. Having a gorgeous new Compendium that holds your planner and pens can give you the boost you need to ignite taking the steps toward your dreams and goals.
The Change: A motivation boost to do what is important to you.
Recommended Tool: Fresh stationery!
Start incorporating these planning tips one at a time into your life and see the positive changes they make.
Here’s to changing our lives for the better!
Arienne Gorlach is a life coach with a background in marketing, administration, and running her own planner and coaching business. She helped create and deliver the financial literacy campaign 10thousandgirl, is LH Agenda’s Community Coach, and loves all things related to planners, life design, goal setting, productivity, time management, and intentional living.