, , October 11

Leadership lessons: How Kathrine Switzer changed history

The club grew in a year to be the 2nd biggest running club in NY State, after the huge New York Road Runners in NYC. The men completely respected and deferred to me, trusting --in fact, enthusing over and supporting-- my work and decisions. That's when I knew I was a leader.  

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How to identify, write about & live out your core values

One of the most powerful ways we can nurture our feminine energy is by getting to know our values - our North stars - so that we can begin to create a life that honours what matters most.

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, April 13

The power of AND

Have you ever stopped to consider the transformative power of the word "and"? This tiny conjunction can shift perspectives, open up new possibilities and help women realize their full potential as leaders.

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The true cost of perfectionism

I didn't realise I was a perfectionist until I learned what this word truly meant, and how high the price was I paid for it. Here is what I've learned about addressing my perfectionism.

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, October 3

Leading with kindness: Interview with international sportswoman, Rachael Lynch

In a cruel twist of fate, Rachael Lynch was awarded World Hockey Goalkeeper of the Year in 2019 and dropped from the Australian team the next. What followed was a 150-day legal battle against Hockey Australia, which she won, enabling her to rejoin her team to compete in the 2021 Tokyo Olympics. We caught up with Rachael almost one year on from her victory, and just one month after her retirement from international sport, to bring you her advice on navigating dysfunctional leadership and toxic workplace culture.

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How this international speaker built her personal brand - get her tips

I had been working for almost 20 years in old media and had a small following from that, but I knew this community didn't feel really connected to me. The connection we had was built on me taking pretty pictures and posting vanilla captions. I didn't really have any real influence I could be proud of. 

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6 pieces of life and career advice from exceptional mothers

Many of us take on the dual roles of mother and businesswoman, and while we believe these roles go hand-in-hand, sometimes it feels like they compete against each other! And that's when it's nice to be reminded of just how well we're actually doing (even when we can't see it for ourselves). This article celebrates and honours the working woman, and features advice from exceptional mothers in the LH Agenda community. Enjoy, and keep rockin' it, mama!

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, May 19

10 attitudes to help you succeed in business by Danielle Leilani

It can be humbling going from a comfortable lifestyle as a college student, or your 9-5 that you've mastered + can practically do in your sleep. Starting something new, especially opening a new business of your own, is going to be scary, that's inevitable. Just know that there WILL be a learning curve.

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January 20

Read this when you need a pep talk by Amber Rae

My friend Ambika texted me the other day, "I need a pep talk." "I don't know how to get this book idea out there," she said. "I know this is my purpose and what I'm meant to do. It's also what I WANT to do. But I still need to be a boss at my company... help?!" Here's the advice I gave her...

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, September 9

10 happiness quotes for female leaders (plus images)

As leaders wielding influence over other people, it's important to bring a positive energy to our work. We've pulled together our favourite 10 happiness quotes for female leaders to remind you to celebrate, appreciate the little things, and not take life so seriously. Try saving these quote images to your phone or laptop to look back on whenever you need a little mood boost, then go out and kick those goals!

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