, November 6

3 steps to stop living on autopilot and start living with intention

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, August 19

How to fully realise your potential as a leader

Becoming a great leader rarely happens overnight. Leadership is a multi-faceted skill that requires self-awareness and time spent learning and practising. The first step to realise your potential as a leader is thinking of yourself as a leader while embracing both your personal and professional lives.

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Beating burnout: How to actually enjoy your time off

Hustle. Grind. Work hard. These are all ways of saying "bust your tush to prove your worth and reach your goals". Even if it sucks all the fun out of life. While these may be well-intentioned words to motivate and inspire people like us, more often it triggers our over-achieving (and unrealistic) perfectionism and pushes us onto the path of burnout.

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, June 3

How one woman created a successful charity with the power of storytelling

Rochelle Courtenay, founder of charity Share the Dignity and nicknamed Australia's 'Pad Lady', is a big believer in using the power of storytelling to inspire men and women to make a difference to the lives of women often fleeing from domestic violence or homelessness. She talks to LH Agenda about how she started Share the Dignity and what keeps her working tirelessly for women who don't have a voice.

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Four ways to support cultural and linguistic diversity at work

At Leaders in Heels, we are passionate about celebrating women's stories, and when we heard Div Pillay's story, we knew we had to share it with you. Grab yourself a cuppa and settle in to enjoy this article, written by Div herself. In light of everything going on in the world today, I #ChooseToChallenge you. I challenge you to think about how you are advocating for culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) women.

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5 reasons your team is ineffective

There are many warning signs to look out for when it comes to an ineffective team, and they should never be ignored. After all, the efficiency of your team determines the volume of your work output, the quality of that work, whether or not deadlines are achieved, and whether or not project goals are accomplished and key performance metrics met.

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, November 24

Securing Media Coverage for Your Startup

Major media placements can be a boon to entrepreneurs. They increase brand awareness, build credibility, and generate massive amounts of traffic and sales. To give you a competitive advantage, below is a step-by-step checklist that teaches you how to go about securing media coverage without spending tens of thousands of dollars on hiring a PR firm or onboarding a freelance publicist.

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5 Strategies for Handling Difficult Work Conversations

During your career as a manager, you may encounter sensitive situations with colleagues and employees. Often these problems don't resolve themselves on their own and employees may be upset, confused and the list of potential situations you may face is endless. When difficult situations arise it often falls to the manager to have the hard conversation with their direct report. No one told me this when I became a manager and I have had to teach myself this skill, apply knowledge gleaned from others, and consolidate what I have learnt on the job. It's my hope that with this post I'll leave you with tips you can use the next time you find yourself in a "what the heck do I do with this?" type of dilemma.

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, October 8

How to have conversations to get what you want

Do you love flexing your conversation muscle? Or do you run a mile when a big or difficult conversation presents itself? Whether you're meeting with someone new, speaking with colleagues or connecting with your partner, there's more to conversation than just a verbal exchange.

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, September 6

Leading Under the Pressure of the Pandemic

Leaders are known by the influence they leave on the communities they serve and the staff they lead. When faced with adversity, the skills as a leader will be challenged beyond what can be imagined. In the last few months, leaders have been pushed to the limits as the COVID-19 virus became the forefront of all human life.

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