Best planning strategies: Paper vs digital and what works best (Expert insights)

How well are you using your planner? Is it helping you stay focused and productive, or does it feel like just another thing on your to-do list? Our Community Coach, Arienne Gorlach, recently appeared on CGTV America, where she shared how planning is not just about listing tasks but about creating real momentum towards meaningful change.

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4 Planning tips to help change your life

Prioritisation and having only a doable number of tasks help you take action and feel progress and accomplishment. Ask yourself, "What are the three most important things I could do today that would either make a big difference or move me forward significantly?" Then do them!

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, , October 11

Leadership lessons: How Kathrine Switzer changed history

The club grew in a year to be the 2nd biggest running club in NY State, after the huge New York Road Runners in NYC. The men completely respected and deferred to me, trusting --in fact, enthusing over and supporting-- my work and decisions. That's when I knew I was a leader.  

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Reroute your brain's GPS

Just like changing the GPS in your vehicle... Giving the unconscious part of your brain new GPS "coordinates" to refer to - that match the results you want to experience in your life, moving forward - makes change effortless and automatic. 

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6 ways LH Planners can help manage ADHD

As the founder, CEO and creative director of LH Agenda, it's fair to say I have A LOT of tabs open in my brain. I struggle with staying organised and can easily become overwhelmed by my list of responsibilities, and I know I'm not the only one.

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, October 15

From our Founder, Kasia: What I've learned from 10 years of running a small business - Part 2

As we celebrate our 10th birthday in small business, I'm looking back on what I've learned along the way. Everything from day-to-day operations hacks to how to balance business with motherhood. I hope my answers encourage you to take a chance on your ideas, give yourself a well-deserved break, and invest in loyal, reliable team members to share your business success with.

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, October 10

From our Founder, Kasia: What I've learned from 10 years of running a small business - Part 1

Running your own small business: it's not all sunshine and roses (or awards and profit). Ask anyone who runs their own business and they'll probably (hopefully!) say the same thing. I believe that part of the LH Agenda mission to empower the leaders of tomorrow is sharing insights to our own business and the lessons I've learned along the way. In this article, I share the great, and sometimes uncomfortable, realities of entrepreneurship and running a small business, and give you practical tips to start using in your business right now.

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, September 9

10 happiness quotes for female leaders (plus images)

As leaders wielding influence over other people, it's important to bring a positive energy to our work. We've pulled together our favourite 10 happiness quotes for female leaders to remind you to celebrate, appreciate the little things, and not take life so seriously. Try saving these quote images to your phone or laptop to look back on whenever you need a little mood boost, then go out and kick those goals!

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, June 3

How one woman created a successful charity with the power of storytelling

Rochelle Courtenay, founder of charity Share the Dignity and nicknamed Australia's 'Pad Lady', is a big believer in using the power of storytelling to inspire men and women to make a difference to the lives of women often fleeing from domestic violence or homelessness. She talks to LH Agenda about how she started Share the Dignity and what keeps her working tirelessly for women who don't have a voice.

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How to choose your theme word for success (plus 100+ theme word ideas)

One of our favourite planner features is the dedicated space to choose a theme word for the year, and we thought it was time to explain how you can best use this feature!

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