How to identify, write about & live out your core values

One of the most powerful ways we can nurture our feminine energy is by getting to know our values - our North stars - so that we can begin to create a life that honours what matters most.

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What my father taught me about building human connection

Good rapport is magic because it allows people to feel closer to us and eventually be more easily persuaded by our agenda because they like us. This may sound a tad inauthentic but let me assure you, in a world that has been socially distanced, a world increasingly polarized, these innate steps of connection need to be signposted to bring us back together.

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How to prioritise your time and work on projects you love

Pick the most exciting project on your plate right now. You want to choose the one that calls to you the most. Think through how much time you want to devote to it each day/week/month. To get there, think of all the bite-sized steps that go into it and estimate how long each takes and the frequency. Don't just turn to it during the dregs of your schedule - proactively protect time for it.

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, November 18

How to start great workplace birthday traditions 

If you want to cultivate a strong culture and celebrate your team, here's our guide on how to start great birthday traditions in the workplace.

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7 work from home tips to help gain a new perspective

Tired, stressed and sick of your own house? These 7 actionable work from home tips come from the responses shared with us as part of our recent LH Agenda x Naked Wines competition. They were so great, we wanted to share them with everyone else!

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How to choose your theme word for success (plus 100+ theme word ideas)

One of our favourite planner features is the dedicated space to choose a theme word for the year, and we thought it was time to explain how you can best use this feature!

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, November 24

Securing Media Coverage for Your Startup

Major media placements can be a boon to entrepreneurs. They increase brand awareness, build credibility, and generate massive amounts of traffic and sales. To give you a competitive advantage, below is a step-by-step checklist that teaches you how to go about securing media coverage without spending tens of thousands of dollars on hiring a PR firm or onboarding a freelance publicist.

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How to Meditate Anywhere

Inhale, exhale, begin to quiet your mind. Beginning meditation can be as simple as that. So why are so many people intimidated by the thought of meditating? You don't have to fully enlightened to meditate, and you don't have to have a sacred space on top of a mountain. Meditation can be done anywhere and by anyone. And, let's be honest, just about everyone has had an experience in their lives where they are out in public, and a quick meditation would be extremely helpful.

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Change in the workplace: 4 ways to thrive

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How to plan your year (whether you know what your goals are or not!)

At LH Agenda, we don't just set and forget yearly goals. We like to check in on our goals every few months, reflecting on what we're most proud of to date and how we can better utilise our existing skills. So, with this in mind, here is our tried and tested (traditionally unconventional) guide on how to plan your year (no matter what month of the year it is!).

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