, , October 11

Leadership lessons: How Kathrine Switzer changed history

The club grew in a year to be the 2nd biggest running club in NY State, after the huge New York Road Runners in NYC. The men completely respected and deferred to me, trusting --in fact, enthusing over and supporting-- my work and decisions. That's when I knew I was a leader.  

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, June 16

6 expert tips for negotiating a pay rise

It's unfortunate, but most corporate career ladders are designed around the average time it takes to learn and level up, which doesn't work well for employees who check all the boxes much sooner. For those employees, the next best solution is to go somewhere new where they would be evaluated for their new capabilities, and compensated accordingly...

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, October 27

10 positive quotes about self-care

At LH Agenda, self-care is something we not only recommend, but deem essential. As such, we have compiled a great selection of our favourite positive quotes about self-care! Use them as a reminder that you deserve and need to prioritise things that are good for your wellbeing.

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, September 29

11 Inspirational Quotes For Leaders

There are so many wonderful leaders, past and present, that we can learn from for our own journeys. As such, we have compiled a great selection of our favourite inspirational quotes for leaders like you! Use them when you need a little extra pep, you're feeling unmotivated or you just need a friendly reminder that your goals are amazing and achievable. PS - save your favourite quote cards to an album on your phone and read them anytime you need a blast of motivation.

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How to meditate: Increase productivity & decrease stress

Between the internal mind-chatter of thoughts, worries, judgements, mental-to-do lists, criticism and our almost constant intake of information, we are causing our brains a lot of stress. One of the best ways to give your brain a break is to learn how to meditate. It trains you to minimise your thinking, stop scrolling and breathe deeply.

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How exploring creativity leads to inner confidence

How many times have we heard, "Ok everyone I want your best ideas," only to make one and be told, "Oh that is interesting, but I don't think that is going to work"? Let's delve deeper into how we can explore creativity to find inner confidence.

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