, October 15

From our Founder, Kasia: What I've learned from 10 years of running a small business - Part 2

As we celebrate our 10th birthday in small business, I'm looking back on what I've learned along the way. Everything from day-to-day operations hacks to how to balance business with motherhood. I hope my answers encourage you to take a chance on your ideas, give yourself a well-deserved break, and invest in loyal, reliable team members to share your business success with.

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, October 10

From our Founder, Kasia: What I've learned from 10 years of running a small business - Part 1

Running your own small business: it's not all sunshine and roses (or awards and profit). Ask anyone who runs their own business and they'll probably (hopefully!) say the same thing. I believe that part of the LH Agenda mission to empower the leaders of tomorrow is sharing insights to our own business and the lessons I've learned along the way. In this article, I share the great, and sometimes uncomfortable, realities of entrepreneurship and running a small business, and give you practical tips to start using in your business right now.

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, April 11

From our Founder, Kasia: What I've learned from 10 years of running a small business - Part 3 (Rebranding a business)

This article is Part 3 of a Q&A between the LH Agenda community and me, and all about rebranding a business. Prior to this year, our brand was known as Leaders in Heels but a desire to expand our product and customer base drove us to change our brand name and logo to LH Agenda mid-2021. I hope you find some practical takeaways in this article to help you, no matter what stage of the rebranding and/or business journey you're at!

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, November 24

Securing Media Coverage for Your Startup

Major media placements can be a boon to entrepreneurs. They increase brand awareness, build credibility, and generate massive amounts of traffic and sales. To give you a competitive advantage, below is a step-by-step checklist that teaches you how to go about securing media coverage without spending tens of thousands of dollars on hiring a PR firm or onboarding a freelance publicist.

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, September 11

Launching a start-up with resilience

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, July 22

Thinking of starting a business with your best friend? 8 tips to ensure success

The thought of starting a business can be daunting - but what about starting a business with your best friend? We understand that some of you may think that sounds like a terrible idea (because, you know, what happens if you argue?

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Working with influencers - tips from a true leader in heels!

In every sense of the phrase, Lisa Mandy Seskin is a true leader in heels. Quite quickly after founding her own shoe brand (worn by Bella Hadid!), she realised there was a highly committed market for vegan shoes. Not wanting to alienate customers, especially those who loved her brand, she developed her first entirely vegan collection. However, like many businesswomen, Lisa knew that having a great product simply wasn't enough and thus she developed a strategy working with influencers, to raise awareness and sales. Read all about Lisa's journey below.

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How to develop an employee training program

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, March 28

Confessions of an Entrepreneur: Sasha Peakall, "Biz Overwhelm Buster Coach"

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, March 27

Confessions of an Entrepreneur: Ben Wong, co-founder of Academy Xi

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