
MIH 12-Month Planner – Rich Burgundy – Lightly marked stock sale

Original price was: AU$49.95.Current price is: AU$24.97.

This product is on sale as it has minor marks on the outside cover (light scuffing or scratches) or is missing ribbon(s). Sale of all marked items is final. This offer is limited until sold out or until February 15th.

The Leaders in Heels Make It Happen planner is a comprehensive 12-month planner: big picture planning, regular life check-ins, personal growth pages, quotes from successful leaders and innovators, and so much more, help you move from dreaming to doing so you can find the confidence to not only kick-start your dream projects, but see them through to the end.

Availability: Out of stock
Ships in 1-3 business days. Free shipping in US, CA, AU, NZ & more over $90.

Product Description

Make the plan. Make it happen.

Leaders in Heels Planner – Make It Happen – Rich Burgundy

The Leaders in Heels Make It Happen planner is designed to help you turn ‘one day’ into today, with structured pages to translate your ideas into action, and inspirational quotes from thinkers, doers and leaders who made it happen.

What’s inside

Leaders in Heels Planner – Make It Happen – Vintage Floral Leaders in Heels Planner – Make It Happen – Vintage Floral
Leaders in Heels Planner – Make It Happen – Cornflower Blue Leaders in Heels Planner – Make It Happen – Cornflower Blue
Leaders in Heels Planner – Make It Happen – Rich Burgundy Leaders in Heels Planner – Make It Happen – Rich Burgundy
Leaders in Heels Planner – Make It Happen – Spotted Pink Leaders in Heels Planner – Make It Happen – Spotted Pink
Leaders in Heels Planner – Make It Happen – Light Floral Leaders in Heels Planner – Make It Happen – Light Floral
The Leaders in Heels Planner Make It Happen - Endpaper front The Leaders in Heels Planner Make It Happen - Endpaper front
The Leaders in Heels Planner Make It Happen - Goals Summary The Leaders in Heels Planner Make It Happen - Goals Summary
The Leaders in Heels Planner Make It Happen - Personal Message The Leaders in Heels Planner Make It Happen - Personal Message
The Leaders in Heels Planner Make It Happen - Life Planning Pages The Leaders in Heels Planner Make It Happen - Life Planning Pages
The Leaders in Heels Planner Make It Happen - Annual Life Review The Leaders in Heels Planner Make It Happen - Annual Life Review
The Leaders in Heels Planner Make It Happen - Success Routine The Leaders in Heels Planner Make It Happen - Success Routine
The Leaders in Heels Planner Make It Happen - Projects The Leaders in Heels Planner Make It Happen - Projects
The Leaders in Heels Planner Make It Happen - Project The Leaders in Heels Planner Make It Happen - Project
The Leaders in Heels Planner Make It Happen - More goals The Leaders in Heels Planner Make It Happen - More goals
The Leaders in Heels Planner Make It Happen - Yearly Planner The Leaders in Heels Planner Make It Happen - Yearly Planner
The Leaders in Heels Planner Make It Happen - Quote page The Leaders in Heels Planner Make It Happen - Quote page
The Leaders in Heels Planner Make It Happen - Monthly Planner The Leaders in Heels Planner Make It Happen - Monthly Planner
The Leaders in Heels Planner Make It Happen - Weekly Layout The Leaders in Heels Planner Make It Happen - Weekly Layout
The Leaders in Heels Planner Make It Happen - Weekly Layout The Leaders in Heels Planner Make It Happen - Weekly Layout
The Leaders in Heels Planner Make It Happen - Quarterly checkin The Leaders in Heels Planner Make It Happen - Quarterly checkin
The Leaders in Heels Planner Make It Happen - Year end review The Leaders in Heels Planner Make It Happen - Year end review
The Leaders in Heels Planner Make It Happen - Master To DO List The Leaders in Heels Planner Make It Happen - Master To DO List
The Leaders in Heels Planner Make It Happen - Birthdays The Leaders in Heels Planner Make It Happen - Birthdays
The Leaders in Heels Planner Make It Happen - Ideas The Leaders in Heels Planner Make It Happen - Ideas
The Leaders in Heels Planner Make It Happen - Mentors The Leaders in Heels Planner Make It Happen - Mentors
The Leaders in Heels Planner Make It Happen - Wins The Leaders in Heels Planner Make It Happen - Wins
The Leaders in Heels Planner Make It Happen - Lessons The Leaders in Heels Planner Make It Happen - Lessons
The Leaders in Heels Planner Make It Happen - Notes The Leaders in Heels Planner Make It Happen - Notes
The Leaders in Heels Planner Make It Happen - Endpaper Back The Leaders in Heels Planner Make It Happen - Endpaper Back
Leaders in Heels Monogramming Leaders in Heels Monogramming

Full features list

Easy-to-follow steps to get you started with your planner

Motivational quotes from successful leaders and innovators

Start-of-year life review

Exercises to visualise your dream day, define your values, plan your legacy and set a big vision for your life

Goal/Project-planning pages

Success routines

Yearly planner

Summary page of your goals and intentions for the year

Weekly spreads for day-to-day planning with your top three weekly and daily priorities and to-do lists

Daily tracking of what’s most important to you (e.g. healthy living, your fitness level, water intake, etc.)

Monthly and quarterly planning pages

Monthly check-ins

A quarterly challenge for your larger goals

Quarterly personal growth plan

Quarterly reviews of your goals and key areas of your life

Year-end review

Project pages

A master to-do list for all your random ideas you’ll get to later

Structured meeting agenda pages for your yearly networking plan

Birthdays, special days and gifts pages, Ideas pages, Achievements and wins journal, Lessons learnt journal, Contacts & Mentors, Bucket list

20 dot-grid pages for notes, sketching & brainstorming

Beautiful and professional-looking designs

Linen cover with gold foil and a lay-flat design

Three coloured ribbons to bookmark key pages

Undated so you can start whenever you’re ready, or pause when you take a break—you can get full use out of every page!

296 pages (2.3cm thickness overall/450g)

14.5 x 19.5cm (5.7″ x 7.7″)

100gsm premium woodfree paper

Recommended by

The Leaders in Heels planner is gorgeous, practical and inspirational all at once. Thank you Kasia for your passion to help busy, ambitious women with managing their goals and driving their careers forward!
Valeria Ignatieva, Co-CEO & Founder, DCC Jobs
The Leaders In Heels planner is an incredible resource. Jam packed with pages to allow you to dream, think and imagine as well as sections for planning, accountability and check-in, this resource can be your every day coach in a book. The inspirational quotes throughout and the beautiful design make this a must have for anyone wanting to take control of their year and personal success.
Janine Garner, Founder and CEO, LBDGroup
Anne Marie Chief Disruptor
The Leaders in Heels planner provides a solid launch pad to help you fly. Kasia, every woman should have one because these are the inspiration to help you imagine & the tools to help you follow your dreams.
Anne-Marie Elias, Chief Disrupter, Women’s Agenda Agenda Setter of the year 2017

Why we created the Make It Happen planners

The hardest part of any project is getting started. Not only on the project itself, but day after day when you’re getting worn down. That’s why I created the Make It Happen line—it helps you tap into your activation energy, a concept developed by a Harvard psychologist that says if you can make starting something easier, your likelihood of doing it rises dramatically. You can make it happen—we’re with you all the way!
Kasia Gospos, CEO, Leaders in Heels

High achievers review their goals regularly.

Did you know that only 1% of the population write down their goals and review them regularly? These people tend to be among the most successful!

The Leaders in Heels ‘Make It Happen’ 12-month Planners have exercises which help you determine your passion and values and use those to set your big goals and projects for the year.

Once you have your goals, quarterly and monthly planning pages get you off and running, while quarterly and monthly reviews let you see how you’ve gone, and what you need to adjust.

The Leaders in Heels Make It Happen Planner
The LH Agenda Make It Happen Phenomenal Woman Planner

Get clear and act with purpose

It all starts with living your life intentionally—and to do that, you need to be very clear on what you want.

The planner includes exercises to:

  • Visualise your dream day
  • Define your values
  • Plan your legacy
  • Set a big vision for your life

Translate your ideas into actions

The successful entrepreneur and leader Mary Kay Ash once said, “Ideas are a dime a dozen. People who implement them are priceless.

Everything in this planner has been designed to help you translate your ideas into action, because we know that getting started is the hardest part.

Learn to use ‘activation energy’ to get you started

Activation energy is the amount of effort required for you to get up and do a particular task. The lower the effort, the more likely you are to do it. Achieving anything in life is a series of small steps. Activation energy gets you started. The momentum it generates keeps you going. You take one step, then the next, and the next again, and before you know it you’re on our way!

All our Make It Happen planners use the concept of activation energy to help you get started.

By having a dedicated space to record your “activation energy” task, and by breaking down your big goals into small, actionable components you can take on one at a time, you will build the momentum to reach the bigger tasks… and eventually make it happen!

Make It Happen Planners
Leaders in Heels Planner – Make It Happen – Vintage Floral

Be productive, not busy

Time is precious, and you want to fill it with tasks that make a meaningful difference instead of busywork. It’s important to set out your intentions and goals for the year ahead, and define a practical action plan.

The planner includes:

  • Handy tips for translating dreams into actionable tasks to include in your yearly, monthly, weekly and daily agendas
  • A guide for setting yearly goals/projects
  • Success routines planner to help you establish good habits
  • Quarterly and monthly plans
  • A quarterly challenge for your larger goals
  • Weekly and daily priorities
  • Structured meeting agenda pages for your yearly networking plan

Feed your mind

How we think has a huge impact on how we act, and how we grow as people.

Get inspired and empowered with:

  • Inspirational quotes from thinkers, doers and leaders such as Jim Rohn, Dale Carnegie, Arianna Huffington, Oprah Winfrey, Sheryl Sandberg, Henry Ford, Hillary Clinton, Amelia Earhart, Beyoncé, Tony Robbins, Walt Disney and many more amazing leaders who made things happen. The quotes focus on persistence, determination, confidence, resilience, courage, success, and all the qualities you need to make your dreams happen!
  • A quarterly personal growth plan covering vision, impact, mindset & productivity. This will help you develop your leadership skills not only in business or in the office, but in all areas of life.
  • A deeper look at our signature manifesto traits as you progress through the year—be inspired to become confident, passionate, determined, creative, innovative and kind
The Leaders in Heels Make It Happen Planner
The Leaders in Heels Make It Happen Planner

Stay motivated

It’s one thing to have goals, but quite another to remain motivated and on track through the rollercoaster ride it takes to achieve them.

The Make It Happen planner keeps you motivated with:

  • Words of wisdom from highly respected thinkers, doers and leaders who made things happen—these will give you a confidence boost, keep your energy up, and remind you of the persistence and resilience required to achieve great things
  • An elegant front page summarising your key goals, intentions, values and theme word to remind you of the bigger picture every time you open your planner
  • An area for appointing accountability partners to keep you on track
  • An area for choosing your monthly activation energy—the task that will get you started on all the others
  • Sections for rewards when you reach your goals
  • Weekly spreads with your top three weekly and daily priorities and to-do lists
  • Monthly check-ins to measure progress
  • Quarterly reviews of your goals and key areas of your life
  • A master to-do list for all your random ideas you’ll get to later

Feel great

Ever been in a headspace where you felt untouchable… and you really were? When you’re feeling great, your work reflects it!

The planner helps you get into a positive mindset with:

  • Gratitude sections
  • Daily tracking of what’s most important to you (e.g. healthy living, your fitness level, water intake, etc.)
  • Pages to record your wins and highlights
  • Structured pages for:
  • Ideas
  • Birthdays, special days and gifts
  • Contacts and Mentors
  • Lessons learned
  • Blank pages to dream, sketch, design, solve
The Leaders in Heels Make It Happen Planner
The Leaders in Heels Make It Happen Planner

And many other great features you’ll love!

  • Easy-to-follow steps to get you started with your planner
  • Beautiful and professional-looking designs
  • Leatherette/linen cover with gold foil and a lay-flat design
  • Three coloured ribbons to bookmark key pages
  • Undated so you can start whenever you’re ready, or pause when you take a break—you can get full use out of every page!
Leaders in Heels Planner – Make It Happen


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Additional Information

Weight 0.475 kg
Dimensions 19.5 × 14.8 × 2.3 cm



Burgundy, Red


296 pages (2.3cm thick)




Designed in Australia, printed in China

Leaders in Heels Planner – Make It Happen – Rich Burgundy

MIH 12-Month Planner – Rich Burgundy – Lightly marked stock sale

Original price was: AU$49.95.Current price is: AU$24.97.

Out of stock